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SWOT Analysis


  • Aligns itself with the right celebrities to appeal to the Bape consumers.

  • Working with the right brands, making for successful, high-profile collaborations.

  • A good balance of professional shot images vs. reposts of bloggers/celebrity’s own images on social media.

  • Hold a good reputation among the public for unique designs that are of high quality.

  • Retaining exclusivity.

  • Concession layout and staff.

  • Good presence on streetwear websites.


  • Social media is written in Japanese.

  • Neglecting UK customers.

  • No official UK/European website.

  • Solo campaigns aren’t as strong and don’t gain as much buzz as collaborations do.

  • Not very interactive with consumers.


  • Turn celebrity PR into marketing by using celebrities in campaigns.

  • Stronger visual content, pushing the boundaries of technology with an invocative, visual way to promote the brand.

  • Host an event which fuses both Bape the brand and the musical influences behind Bape, such as a new range launch event with musical guests.

  • Make Bape more open to countries, such as the UK, via livestreaming and augmented marketing.


  • Supreme constantly releasing successful, sell-out, high-profile collaborations, that grab attention from the press, social media, and creates a strong buzz around the brand.

  • Being overtaken by fresh competitors, such as Off-White, due to Bape’s dated methods and not pushing promotion to the level that it has potential to reach.

  • Losing consumers to competitors through lack of interactive content and  a weaker sense of community.

Bape: Marketing and PR report
By Sarah Wong
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